Being Present


Recently I read Present Over Perfect on an airplane on my way from Seattle to Arizona. It was just what my heart needed. (Ladies! Read this book. It is one that I purchased to add to my library because it’s that good.) My husband had sent me to Arizona to spend some time with his sister and her family. I needed a break. I was starting to lose it. Literally! I have never been in such a strange season. It is a season of Jesus taking me deeper in my relationship with Him and it is challenging. He is not ok with me staying where I am. It is deep and painful yet my eyes are being opened.

(Purchase Present Over Perfect on Amazon – click the image above)

One thing he is teaching me is to be present. To stay where he has me and dig in. To be present in my home and with my boys. When things get hard I often go into another room or want to run away. I will often go to Social Media or Pinterest to just “zone” out so I don’t need to deal with life happening around me. These habits can kill relationships with others. I am working on this.

Another thing Jesus is teaching me is that I need to pay attention to my feelings and tears. In the past I have just shoved my feelings down and quickly wiped my tears away. This is not ok. God gave me feelings for a reason. He desires for me to listen to those feelings and my tears. I need to pay attention to why I have tears rolling down my face. I need to be aware of why I feel so deeply about situations at times. What is truly going on inside my heart? Listen to feelings and tears.

He is also teaching me to love His Word more and more. To depend on the scriptures to speak to me right where I am. To dig in and learn more about the God who created me and knows every detail about me. I am excited to learn more. It’s not a legalistic way of reading God’s word it’s a humble, life submitting way of reading and learning the scriptures.

Be bold. Talk about Jesus. Share Jesus with others. Never, ever stop. Without Jesus’ life, death and resurrection my life would be meaningless. Don’t hold back when it comes to sharing Jesus with others. Speak words of life into others. Don’t hold back. Be bold.

Recently Todd and I went to the U2 concert in Seattle. It was my first major concert to ever attend. It was an incredible experience. I will honestly never forget it and I think my journey with Jesus right now made it that much sweeter. During the concert I was listening to the lyrics closely and I realized how much U2 sings about surrender. How beautiful is that! Surrender. Surrender to Jesus. Live life submitting to the one who died and rose again for me and you. Surrender it all.

I’m thankful for this season because Jesus has me on this journey where he wants to take me deeper. It’s messy, crazy, hard and full of lots of feelings and tears yet, it’s so worth it. So here I am. Just hanging out with Jesus in a new way and trying to be present in it all. I have nothing to lose as I learn to continually surrender everything to Him.

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