Being Present


Recently I read Present Over Perfect on an airplane on my way from Seattle to Arizona. It was just what my heart needed. (Ladies! Read this book. It is one that I purchased to add to my library because it’s that good.) My husband had sent me to Arizona to spend some time with his sister and her family. I needed a break. I was starting to lose it. Literally! I have never been in such a strange season. It is a season of Jesus taking me deeper in my relationship with Him and it is challenging. He is not ok with me staying where I am. It is deep and painful yet my eyes are being opened.

(Purchase Present Over Perfect on Amazon – click the image above)

One thing he is teaching me is to be present. To stay where he has me and dig in. To be present in my home and with my boys. When things get hard I often go into another room or want to run away. I will often go to Social Media or Pinterest to just “zone” out so I don’t need to deal with life happening around me. These habits can kill relationships with others. I am working on this.

Another thing Jesus is teaching me is that I need to pay attention to my feelings and tears. In the past I have just shoved my feelings down and quickly wiped my tears away. This is not ok. God gave me feelings for a reason. He desires for me to listen to those feelings and my tears. I need to pay attention to why I have tears rolling down my face. I need to be aware of why I feel so deeply about situations at times. What is truly going on inside my heart? Listen to feelings and tears.

He is also teaching me to love His Word more and more. To depend on the scriptures to speak to me right where I am. To dig in and learn more about the God who created me and knows every detail about me. I am excited to learn more. It’s not a legalistic way of reading God’s word it’s a humble, life submitting way of reading and learning the scriptures.

Be bold. Talk about Jesus. Share Jesus with others. Never, ever stop. Without Jesus’ life, death and resurrection my life would be meaningless. Don’t hold back when it comes to sharing Jesus with others. Speak words of life into others. Don’t hold back. Be bold.

Recently Todd and I went to the U2 concert in Seattle. It was my first major concert to ever attend. It was an incredible experience. I will honestly never forget it and I think my journey with Jesus right now made it that much sweeter. During the concert I was listening to the lyrics closely and I realized how much U2 sings about surrender. How beautiful is that! Surrender. Surrender to Jesus. Live life submitting to the one who died and rose again for me and you. Surrender it all.

I’m thankful for this season because Jesus has me on this journey where he wants to take me deeper. It’s messy, crazy, hard and full of lots of feelings and tears yet, it’s so worth it. So here I am. Just hanging out with Jesus in a new way and trying to be present in it all. I have nothing to lose as I learn to continually surrender everything to Him.

Two of My Favorite Things: Tees and LipSense

Two things I have fallen in love with over the last couple of months. T-shirts and LipSense.

Target sells these amazing V-neck t-shirts that are super comfy and not too fitting but still make you look like a curvy girl. I love them! Here is a link to check them out or try them on in the store next you go (which will probably be today or tomorrow because, well, it’s Target!)


So comfy and cute. Check them out next time you head to Target or order online. I am not getting paid to say this either. I wear a few of these tees each and every week. Great for layering and heading out the door. Love!

My other favorite thing is LipSense! Have you heard of this? LipSense stays on all day long (this is no joke people.) I’ve been wearing LipSense for a couple of months and I have fallen in love with it. So much so that I started selling it. Like I wasn’t already busy. It is amazing stuff and perfect for everyone. They have over 70 colors to choose from. If you are interested you can follow me on:

Instagram – everydaylipsbysondra

Facebook – Everyday Lips By Sondra

The famous question – how much is it? $55 for one color, gloss (which hydrates and holds your lip color) and oops remover (you will need to use this especially for the bright, bold colors)

Why I love it? Because of all of these things; It lasts all day, waterproof, kiss proof (my kids love that!), and smudge proof. No lip marks on your coffee cup!

I’m wearing Blu Red and Glossy Gloss! Super bold and a fun color. You should try it. I list on my Facebook Page what I have in stock currently. I can ship orders and place orders through PayPal. Please let me know if you have any questions about LipSense.

A girl can’t go wrong with comfy tees and great looking lips!




Honest Mom Wednesday or Thursday – Finding Peace

Finding Peace

Finding Peace

Yep, I’m posting Honest Mom Wednesday on Thursday because that’s just how life rolls sometimes.

I need some peace in my life. My house is constantly noisy. Having three boys is awesome but sometimes I just want to hide (ok, runaway) from the noises, the messes and fighting. Parenting is bittersweet. There are moments that you treasure forever and others you feel like you need be placed in a mental hospital. I go back and forth between both multiple times each week. I just need some peace. I am trying hard to find that in Jesus right now. On top of the craziness happening in our home daily, I am also faced with all that is happening with politics here in the USA. I’m leaning towards being placed in a mental hospital at this point. There is uproar, anger, hate, fighting, pointing fingers (and that’s just in my house each week – ok, the boys really don’t hate each other) but seriously, I am surrounded by chaos. I just need some peace. What does God have to say about peace? Here are some verses that stood out to me.

“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”

        Psalm 34:14

“Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.”

   Psalm 85:10

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”

 Proverbs 14:30

“He will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.”

 Zechariah 9:10

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.                          Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

 John 14:27

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

    John 16:33

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”      

Galations 5:22

“They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.”

     1 Peter 3:11

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

    Matthew 5:9

Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

 James 3:18

What does it mean to be a peacemaker? In our world today how are we called to bring peace? It sounds like it is something that God desires for us. My favorite verse is John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  As I process what peace looks like in my life right now I am encouraged that Jesus has overcome the world and we need to put our hope in that. We need to find our peace in Jesus.

How are some ways that you find peace amidst the chaos in your life and the world around you?


One of My Heroes

Last week we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday! My husband and I so wish that he was alive today. I would say he is one of my heroes. He is my hero not only because of the way he stood for civil rights but for his commitment to Jesus. He loved Jesus. He knew what God’s calling was in his life and he was obedient to that calling. He knew that his calling wasn’t the popular thing to do but it was the right thing to do. He was a family man. He was dedicated to his wife and children. He was a fighter. He fought for the right things in the right way. He was wise. A wisdom that could only come from serving God. Wow, we could learn so much from how MLK Jr. led others. Today is inauguration day here in the USA. We have a divided country. Let’s honor and learn from Martin Luther King Jr. by fighting for the right things in the right way. Let’s honor God by being obedient to His calling on our lives and listening to the Spirit as he leads us. It’s hard, I know. Sometimes God calls us to do hard things but I look at Martin Luther King’s life and I know that God looked at this man and said, “My good and faithful servant, with you I am well pleased.” What we say, how we act, how we respond to what is happening in the world around us either honors God or it doesn’t. Please, please, please before you post on social media, rant about the latest political issue consider for one moment if what you are sharing is helpful or hurtful or even hateful. Is it honoring to what Martin Luther King Jr. worked so hard for? Is it honoring to God, the creator of the world, who absolutely loves every person he created? One of my favorite quotes from MLK Jr. is, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I have read so much today on Facebook and the media that is extremely hurtful and hateful. It breaks my heart and I know it breaks God’s heart as well. Ask for wisdom. Scripture tells us that if we ask God for wisdom He wants to give it. Pray. Pray for our country. Pray for our leaders – whether you agree with them or disagree.

The more I learn about Martin Luther King Jr. the more respect I have for this man. God used this man in an incredible way. Let us honor him but most importantly let us honor God who created us and knows every little detail about you and me and every created being. God desires good for us. He is ultimately in control of it all. My hope is in Jesus alone.









Dressember – Fighting Human Trafficking


Dressember Team:Beauty and Dignity and Photo by: Jenny Storment

For the month of December I will be wearing a dress. Yes, that’s 31 days of wearing a dress. The reason for this dress wearing month is called Dressember. Dressember is an organization that raises funds to fight human trafficking. Dressember partners with International Justice Mission and A21 to help free those that are being trafficked. It is amazing! I am honored to join the fight.

I remember a few summers back my nephew and niece were in Tacoma visiting. We walked to 7-11 to get slurpies and my niece, who was 17 at the time was approached by a man. I was horrified! How can this be happening in my own city. It is. It’s happening all around us. I have a huge heart for teenagers and this is something I can do to fight against sex trafficking in our city, state, nation and world.

Below I have linked to my fund raising page for Dressember – all funds raised goes directly to IJM and A21. Please consider giving to both of these amazing organizations.

Click here to donate: DRESSEMBER 

If you want to know more about Dressember please watch this Ted Talk with Blythe Hill – the founder of Dressember.

How A Dress Can Change the World (Ted Talk)

Photo by: Kristine Lasley

Honest Mom Wednesday – FOOTBALL!

Well, today is Wednesday. Two more days and the Lincoln Abes are headed to Seattle to play O’Dea. We are excited to continue on this road to the Tacoma Dome for 3A football.


I was reflecting on the season and crunching some numbers this morning.

1300 sandwiches have been made and eaten, 900 bananas have been eaten, 40 trips to Costco (my weekly workout), and 720 Chik-Fil-A sandwiches have been eaten this season. That’s a ton of food! All of it is worth it. These young men and my manager ladies are amazing and worth every minute of it all. It is a joy to serve the coaches and teenagers involved with the program at Lincoln High School.


Last night I was praying for the coaches and kids. As I prayed I saw Jesus at the O’Dea game screaming on the sideline for the Lincoln boys. He was going nuts. Running back and forth on the sideline cheering for them, speaking life into them, yelling out their names,  jumping up and down. It was awesome. I was standing on the sideline observing it all. Then I realized that Jesus wasn’t just cheering them on  during the game. This is how Jesus cheers for the teenagers on the team in their daily life. He is walking with them and cheering for them like a crazy person as they face the day to day stuff of life. He absolutely loves them. No question about it. He desires them to succeed at everything they do. He is for them. That is such great news. Jesus is your biggest cheerleader, advocate, supporter, and He is going nuts on the sideline for you.

So here is to another week of football. I am so blessed!


Honest Mom Wednesday

Election Response

Election Response

I wasn’t too excited to write this blog today. Following election day is not fun. My personal response to this election – whether Trump or Hillary would be the same. I’m not going into politics. I feel like we have had enough of that. It is what it is and so my response is going to be one that glorifies God. 

What does the God of humanity say to us, as His dearly loved people.

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12

PRAY – pray for our leaders. God hears our prayers and in the process of praying our own hearts and faith change to be more like God’s heart. Oh how I desire to have a heart that reflects the God of the Universe.

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let  nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:57-58

WORK – work for the glory of God. Do what He has called you to and do it with passion, conviction, and give life to others in the process.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

HOPE – Jesus is my hope. He has overcome the world and all of its craziness. I will never lose hope because my hope is in Jesus not in a man or woman running our nation. People will always fail you, Jesus never will.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

DO NOT FEAR – He has it all under control. He calls us to not fear but to trust Him and His overall plan for humanity. He is with us. He will help us and uphold us. That’s awesome and great news.


Two things Todd and I teach our kiddos – Love God and love others. So simple yet so hard at times. Part of loving others well is just being kind. In our house we have a sign that says, “Be Kind or Be Quiet.” Yep, that pretty much sums it up. Take responsibility for you. If you can’t say something kind please don’t say anything at all. If what comes out of your mouth causes division rather than unity – just don’t say it. You may be  unhappy with the results of this election so choose today how you are going to respond. How you respond affects others.

As I move forward today I am choosing to respond in prayer for our nations leaders. I will continue working for the glory of God. My hope is in Jesus alone, not in a man or woman leading our country.  I will not fear anything in life for God is with me.

How are you choosing to respond today? How is God asking you to respond? Today is a great time to ask Him how He is calling you to respond. Write it down and share it with others.

“For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. This sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. 

Come, let us bow down in worship, let us feel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.”PSALM 95:3-7




Honest Mom Wednesday


Life has been an adjustment lately as I get use to having Todd home in the evenings. He has worked 2nd shift (2:30-11pm) and is now on 1st shift (6am-2:30pm). For the last 2 1/2 years it has been me and our little boys each evening. So, needless to say we have our routine and Todd being home has been AMAZING but also an adjustment for me.

Last week I completely flipped out. We were about to go to bed and Todd asked me if I could not put my shoes in front of the hall closet door. I totally lost it. The entryway to our home isn’t big at all (at least we have one though!) We have six people living in our little house and there are shoes all over the entryway all the time. I pick up shoes all day long and it drives me nuts. So when he asked me to move my shoes I lost it. I told him, “I pick up everyone’s damn shoes all the time, including yours multiple times throughout the week and you are asking me to not put my shoes in front of the entryway closet. Seriously?” Not very gracious or kind at all. Well, this little freak out moment made me realize that I have some deep rooted issues that need to be dealt with. As I prayed and asked God what was going on He showed me and Todd a few things.

  • I have high expectations for myself and I can’t meet them. In return I constantly feel like I’m failing.
  • I have a lot of capacity to take care of things. It’s easy for me to burn out because I’m a doer.
  • I keep hearing from God, “You are a good and faithful servant.” Yet my flesh says  NOOOOOO. I often times don’t want to be a good and faithful servant anymore.

Obviously I am believing a lie about who God is and who I am in light of what He has done for me. I often cruise through life depending on my own strength rather than resting in Jesus and just being who God has created me to be. My worth is not based on what I do my worth is based on who God says I am.

I need rest. I need to set clear boundaries of taking time for my heart and body to rest. Whether that is taking a day of solitude or sneaking away for a bit to read or just taking a nap. I need to be better at caring for myself. I’m still working through what this looks like for me.

Yes, God has called me to be a servant for Him but my calling to serve Him isn’t dependent on me. He has asked me to join in His work and it’s a blessing to serve. I have experienced the most joy when I am obedient to what God has called me to. Sometimes I walk into situation where my heart has no desire to be there but God always brings great joy and purpose in those moments and uses those moments to teach me more about His heart. Whenever I’m struggling I always remember the verse God gave me 4 years ago when we started helping with the football team at Lincoln High School.

“Whoever finds their life will lose it. Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.”                Matthew 10:39

I still have so much to learn! How is your heart today? What are deeper issues that are surfacing through day to day interactions with others? It’s so good to stop and listen to the Holy Spirit and get to the root of what God is bringing to the surface.

As for the shoe problem… it has been solved by a serious look at my heart and a trip to IKEA. I will post about that on Monday.

Lots of love to you as you see God in the everyday stuff of life.


Honest Mom Wednesday

The weeks are flying by right now. I feel like September to December fly by and then after we hit the holidays it’s slow moving from January to June. I love this time of year. The leaves changing the sun shining and even the rain (sometimes.)

Last week almost killed me but I’m here. Thank you Jesus! Between being away at Cannon Beach for 3 days with YFC and then Senior Night for football and then a crazy weekend helping at the YFC Auction  – it was just nutty. All fun stuff but nuts. I am realizing that if I’ve been around people for days I need to recharge by being home with my boys or by myself for a couple of days after. I don’t do well if I’m around people constantly. It’s just not good for my heart. I’m trying to take note of those needs and meet them. It’s so important to take care of myself so I can care for others well.

Savor His Goodness

Savor His Goodness

I feel as though God keeps telling me to savor His goodness. I could almost hear Him whisper, “Savor the goodness of God.” He doesn’t desire us to walk through life focusing on the hardships or what we don’t have. He asks us to savor Him in the moments that are good, fun, joyful and exciting. He is also asking us to have perspective on when we do walk through trials and hardships. We sometimes don’t know or see the big picture of what God has for us. In those moments he stills asks us to savor His goodness. He’s good no matter if we walk through a joyful season or a hard one. He is still the same. God doesn’t change and He desires His good for us and sometimes that means we need to face trials in order to be shaped and transformed into the people God has created us to be but in all of that He is still good! Amen to that.

About a month ago right after Todd found out that he wouldn’t get to move to day shift God gave me this verse for him:

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor;                                              no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless,                                             O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.” Psalm 84:11-12

Last week while I was Cannon Beach Todd was put on day shift at a new work site. Praise God! The whole story of how it happened was completely ordained by God who wants good things for us. We are so grateful. I am so happy to have my husband home in the evenings to help with homework, dinner and bedtime. After all of this back and forth our faith in God has grown. God is good!

How are you savoring the goodness of God in your life? In the joyful moments and the trials.

Honest Mom Wednesday

Slow and steady.

Today I am exhausted. On Monday morning I left Tacoma and headed to Cannon Beach for the Youth For Christ Regional Conference. I just returned today, Wednesday. It was a great time! We had an amazing time learning, experiencing Jesus in a new way, learning how to love and care for teenagers, we shared stories and laughed a lot. No, seriously, A LOT!

I’m home now and I feel as though I have been hit by a truck. You know that really tired feeling. It’s almost the tired of having a newborn baby and getting barely any sleep but with out the post-pardum issues (ladies you know what I mean.) On top of that I think I am coming down with a cold which probably has something to do with staying up way too late and not sleeping well.

On Friday we will be celebrating our Senior football players. This means I need to have my game face on. I need to ask God to give me an abundance of energy as I interact with hundreds of people. I will be quickly pulling together loose strings tomorrow to prep and get ready for Friday nights big game. It’s a lot but I have hope and faith. God is the sustainer of life. He will give me the strength I need to get through the next few days.  Super thankful for an army of volunteers and good friends to help out.

Puttin’ on my game face and ready to dig in over the next few days remembering that God is the sustainer. He’s in every moment of every day with me.

Let’s do this! (I am going to bed at 8:30pm people – seriously. I am done.)