One of My Heroes

Last week we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday! My husband and I so wish that he was alive today. I would say he is one of my heroes. He is my hero not only because of the way he stood for civil rights but for his commitment to Jesus. He loved Jesus. He knew what God’s calling was in his life and he was obedient to that calling. He knew that his calling wasn’t the popular thing to do but it was the right thing to do. He was a family man. He was dedicated to his wife and children. He was a fighter. He fought for the right things in the right way. He was wise. A wisdom that could only come from serving God. Wow, we could learn so much from how MLK Jr. led others. Today is inauguration day here in the USA. We have a divided country. Let’s honor and learn from Martin Luther King Jr. by fighting for the right things in the right way. Let’s honor God by being obedient to His calling on our lives and listening to the Spirit as he leads us. It’s hard, I know. Sometimes God calls us to do hard things but I look at Martin Luther King’s life and I know that God looked at this man and said, “My good and faithful servant, with you I am well pleased.” What we say, how we act, how we respond to what is happening in the world around us either honors God or it doesn’t. Please, please, please before you post on social media, rant about the latest political issue consider for one moment if what you are sharing is helpful or hurtful or even hateful. Is it honoring to what Martin Luther King Jr. worked so hard for? Is it honoring to God, the creator of the world, who absolutely loves every person he created? One of my favorite quotes from MLK Jr. is, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I have read so much today on Facebook and the media that is extremely hurtful and hateful. It breaks my heart and I know it breaks God’s heart as well. Ask for wisdom. Scripture tells us that if we ask God for wisdom He wants to give it. Pray. Pray for our country. Pray for our leaders – whether you agree with them or disagree.

The more I learn about Martin Luther King Jr. the more respect I have for this man. God used this man in an incredible way. Let us honor him but most importantly let us honor God who created us and knows every little detail about you and me and every created being. God desires good for us. He is ultimately in control of it all. My hope is in Jesus alone.









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