Dressember – Fighting Human Trafficking


Dressember Team:Beauty and Dignity and Photo by: Jenny Storment

For the month of December I will be wearing a dress. Yes, that’s 31 days of wearing a dress. The reason for this dress wearing month is called Dressember. Dressember is an organization that raises funds to fight human trafficking. Dressember partners with International Justice Mission and A21 to help free those that are being trafficked. It is amazing! I am honored to join the fight.

I remember a few summers back my nephew and niece were in Tacoma visiting. We walked to 7-11 to get slurpies and my niece, who was 17 at the time was approached by a man. I was horrified! How can this be happening in my own city. It is. It’s happening all around us. I have a huge heart for teenagers and this is something I can do to fight against sex trafficking in our city, state, nation and world.

Below I have linked to my fund raising page for Dressember – all funds raised goes directly to IJM and A21. Please consider giving to both of these amazing organizations.

Click here to donate: DRESSEMBER 

If you want to know more about Dressember please watch this Ted Talk with Blythe Hill – the founder of Dressember.

How A Dress Can Change the World (Ted Talk)

Photo by: Kristine Lasley

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