Honest Mom Wednesday – FOOTBALL!

Well, today is Wednesday. Two more days and the Lincoln Abes are headed to Seattle to play O’Dea. We are excited to continue on this road to the Tacoma Dome for 3A football.


I was reflecting on the season and crunching some numbers this morning.

1300 sandwiches have been made and eaten, 900 bananas have been eaten, 40 trips to Costco (my weekly workout), and 720 Chik-Fil-A sandwiches have been eaten this season. That’s a ton of food! All of it is worth it. These young men and my manager ladies are amazing and worth every minute of it all. It is a joy to serve the coaches and teenagers involved with the program at Lincoln High School.


Last night I was praying for the coaches and kids. As I prayed I saw Jesus at the O’Dea game screaming on the sideline for the Lincoln boys. He was going nuts. Running back and forth on the sideline cheering for them, speaking life into them, yelling out their names,  jumping up and down. It was awesome. I was standing on the sideline observing it all. Then I realized that Jesus wasn’t just cheering them on  during the game. This is how Jesus cheers for the teenagers on the team in their daily life. He is walking with them and cheering for them like a crazy person as they face the day to day stuff of life. He absolutely loves them. No question about it. He desires them to succeed at everything they do. He is for them. That is such great news. Jesus is your biggest cheerleader, advocate, supporter, and He is going nuts on the sideline for you.

So here is to another week of football. I am so blessed!


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