Honest Mom Wednesday

The weeks are flying by right now. I feel like September to December fly by and then after we hit the holidays it’s slow moving from January to June. I love this time of year. The leaves changing the sun shining and even the rain (sometimes.)

Last week almost killed me but I’m here. Thank you Jesus! Between being away at Cannon Beach for 3 days with YFC and then Senior Night for football and then a crazy weekend helping at the YFC Auction  – it was just nutty. All fun stuff but nuts. I am realizing that if I’ve been around people for days I need to recharge by being home with my boys or by myself for a couple of days after. I don’t do well if I’m around people constantly. It’s just not good for my heart. I’m trying to take note of those needs and meet them. It’s so important to take care of myself so I can care for others well.

Savor His Goodness

Savor His Goodness

I feel as though God keeps telling me to savor His goodness. I could almost hear Him whisper, “Savor the goodness of God.” He doesn’t desire us to walk through life focusing on the hardships or what we don’t have. He asks us to savor Him in the moments that are good, fun, joyful and exciting. He is also asking us to have perspective on when we do walk through trials and hardships. We sometimes don’t know or see the big picture of what God has for us. In those moments he stills asks us to savor His goodness. He’s good no matter if we walk through a joyful season or a hard one. He is still the same. God doesn’t change and He desires His good for us and sometimes that means we need to face trials in order to be shaped and transformed into the people God has created us to be but in all of that He is still good! Amen to that.

About a month ago right after Todd found out that he wouldn’t get to move to day shift God gave me this verse for him:

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor;                                              no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless,                                             O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.” Psalm 84:11-12

Last week while I was Cannon Beach Todd was put on day shift at a new work site. Praise God! The whole story of how it happened was completely ordained by God who wants good things for us. We are so grateful. I am so happy to have my husband home in the evenings to help with homework, dinner and bedtime. After all of this back and forth our faith in God has grown. God is good!

How are you savoring the goodness of God in your life? In the joyful moments and the trials.

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