Honest Mom Wednesday

Slow and steady.

Today I am exhausted. On Monday morning I left Tacoma and headed to Cannon Beach for the Youth For Christ Regional Conference. I just returned today, Wednesday. It was a great time! We had an amazing time learning, experiencing Jesus in a new way, learning how to love and care for teenagers, we shared stories and laughed a lot. No, seriously, A LOT!

I’m home now and I feel as though I have been hit by a truck. You know that really tired feeling. It’s almost the tired of having a newborn baby and getting barely any sleep but with out the post-pardum issues (ladies you know what I mean.) On top of that I think I am coming down with a cold which probably has something to do with staying up way too late and not sleeping well.

On Friday we will be celebrating our Senior football players. This means I need to have my game face on. I need to ask God to give me an abundance of energy as I interact with hundreds of people. I will be quickly pulling together loose strings tomorrow to prep and get ready for Friday nights big game. It’s a lot but I have hope and faith. God is the sustainer of life. He will give me the strength I need to get through the next few days.  Super thankful for an army of volunteers and good friends to help out.

Puttin’ on my game face and ready to dig in over the next few days remembering that God is the sustainer. He’s in every moment of every day with me.

Let’s do this! (I am going to bed at 8:30pm people – seriously. I am done.)


2 thoughts on “Honest Mom Wednesday

  1. Sandee says:

    Sondra, I love reading your posts. I need to find the strength and determination you have. When life is giving me so much right now I just keep trucking on. Work is throwing me curve balls, kids are doing the same. I look forward to reading your posts. Please do not ever stop.



    • Everyday Acts of Love says:

      Thanks Sandee,
      It’s totally Jesus in my life. It’s not me bucking up and taking care of things it’s Jesus transforming my heart and mind daily. I would be so lost without him. Thanks for your encouraging words. Praying for you and your sweet boys.


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