Honest Mom Wednesday

Slow and steady.

Slow and steady.

It’s Wednesday! You have made it half-way through the week. Congrats.

I feel like life is a marathon lately. Slow and steady so that I don’t pass out. It has been nutty and this next week might push me over the edge.

I leave for Cannon Beach with Youth For Christ for the yearly regional conference on Monday and will return on Wednesday. I am looking forward to being with everyone and learning more about this amazing organization I am blessed to work for. Of course next Friday is our last home game of the football season and it’s Senior Night. Oh crazy town! This involves a ton of planning and I am calling on every person I know to help us get through the night. I have a lot of details to work out before I leave on Monday. Oh boy. Pray for me. If you see me and I look a little glazed over you will know why.

On another note. Todd and I are in a weird yet good season. All of our kids are in school. We have set aside Wednesday mornings as our date day. We need this. He heads to work at 12:30 in the afternoon. We have really been enjoying our time together. It is so important for wives and husbands to set aside time for one another during the week. It has been really fun having that time together. I’m so thankful for a husband that loves his family and works hard for us. He is awesome.

I love fall. It is amazing. My favorite time of the year. I love my house in the fall. I hope you have a fabulous Wednesday and take it slow and steady through the rest of the week. God knows exactly where you are at and what you need to endure. He is good and He has you.

Our house in the Fall.

Our house in the Fall.


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